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Muhammad Hayat


研究方向:Plants water consumption






09/2015-02/2016Research Forester in Forest Department (Government Forest Division),巴基斯坦

2013-2015,巴基斯坦PMAS Arid Agriculture University,获得硕士学位(M.Phil. in Forestry and Range Management

2008-2013,巴基斯坦Shaheed Benazir Bhutto University,获得学士学位(Bachelor in Forestry

研究领域: 主要从事液流动态变化、气候变化、蒸散发、生态系统水平衡、沙漠化防止和生态修复


1. Hayat, M., Zha, T., Jia. X., Iqbal, S., Qian, D., Bourque, C. P., Khan, A., Tian, Y., Bai, Y., Liu, P., & Yang, R. 2021. Biophysical controls on nighttime sap flow in Salix psammophila in a semiarid shrubland ecosystem. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology.

2. Hayat, M., Zha, T., Jia. X., Iqbal, S., Qian, D., Bourque, C. P., Khan, A., Tian, Y., Bai, Y., Liu, P., & Yang, R. 2020. A multiple-temporal scale analysis of biophysical control of sap flow in Salix psammophila growing in a semiarid shrubland ecosystem of northwest China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology.

3. Hayat, M., Zha, T., Nizami, S. M., Gulzar, S., Khan, A., Iqbal, S., & Khan, M. S. 2019. Productive Role of Agroforestry System in Context of Ecosystem Services in District Dir Lower, Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Botany.

4. Khan, A., Zhang, X., Zhang, K., Iqbal, A., Ahmad, A., Saeed, S., Hayat, M., & Yang, X. 2019. Tree distribution pattern, growing stocks characteristics and carbon density of mongolian scots pine (Pinus sylvestris var) plantation of Horqin sandy land, China. Pakistan Journal of Botany.

5. Liu, P., Zha, T., Jia. X., Bourque, C. P., Tian, Y., Ma, J., Bai, Y., Wu, Y., and Hayat, M. 2020. Soil respiration sensitivity to temperature in biocrusted soils in a desert-shrubland ecosystem. Catena.

6. Khan, D., Din, E. U., Muneer, M. A., Hayat, M., Khan, T. U., Asif, M., Shah, S., Uddin, S., Munir, M. Z., Zaib, U. N., Yihong, Z., Huang, H., Gao, L. 2020. Effect of temperature and precipitation on stem biomass and composition of white birch (Betula platyphylla) in daxing’anling mountains Inner Mongolia, China. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research.

7. Ahmad, B., Nabi, G., Hayat, M., & Muhammad, J. 2017. Habitat study of Chukar partridge (Alectorus chukar) in district Malakand; A case study of town Thana, Pakistan. Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences.

8. Khan, A., Muhammad, Z., Ullah, I., Khan, S., Khan, S. U., Khan, S., Abbas, S., Wazir, S. M., Hayat, M., Zhang, K. 2020. Antioxidant and antidiabetic potential value of Farsetia jacquemontii from district Bannu, Pakistan, Applied Ecology and Environmental Research.

9. Iqbal, S., Zha, T., Hayat, M., Khan, A., Ashraf, I. M., Ahmad, B., Saba, U.N., Jan, A. S. 2020. Spatiotemporal variation and climate change impact on radial growth of Pinus roxburghii in subtropical pine forest Murree Hills, Pakistan. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research.

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